Men's Belts and Women's Belts

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Belts can be a difficult thing to rule on. There are leather belts and canvas belts there are belts with plain buckles then there are the more complex buckles that take a rocket scientist to frame out. What belt suits me? Is this a woman's belt or a man's belt? It is too big to be a woman's belt, but it sure is cute. Well let me try to help.

A mans belt is typically larger than a woman's belt, so if that belt you are seeing at is larger than your belt loops it is probably a mans belt. "But it is too cute to be a mans belt" you say. Well, you know there are all kinds of men out there. A mans belt more often than not is leather. It is a little more proper for a man to wear a leather belt. Have you ever seen an man going to a business meeting wearing a woven belt? Well if you have then he was probably wearing a pocket protector too.

Women Belts

Women have leather belts too, but it is a little more appropriate for women to wear a little more flashy or cutesy belts too. I know it seems kind of unfair, but men get to take their shirts off when it is hot.

There are belts with studs and belts with holes. I have seen a belt that looked like it has shotgun shells on it. I think my most popular belt I have seen is a belt made out of a seat belt that came off a Gm car. I have seen plastic belts with sparkles.

There are the infamous cowboy belts with the big flashy buckles. The western belts for woman have buckles that are general size, but may have rhinestones on them or are engraved with a pretty design.

Men's Belts and Women's Belts


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