enhance Your Appearance To Attract Women

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Appearance: One of the first lessons with appearance is to make sure you look your best at all times, you never know when and where you will meet a beautiful woman. Women are generally attracted to a neat look, they like a man to be well groomed and presentable. Your clothes will have to match and will have to be clean. Make sure your contain all with your appearance, women will observation every tiny information such as if you nails are clean, if your hair is washed and if your clothes are clean. Smelling appropriately is also very leading make sure you smell great.

Colognes: How you smell is very leading to a woman, and it is an additional one method to get a dissimilar sense of hers tingling. It is not only leading to buy the right cologne you need to apply it correctly. You should not apply cologne to your face (that is for aftershave) or on your clothes cologne is made for the skin, the key areas to apply the scent is on the chest, the back of your neck, behind your ears and on your wrists. Also it is crucial that you do not spray too much on you do not want the smell to be overbearing, just enough to get her attention. When applying behind the ears just put a tiny in your palms and dab behind your ear. an additional one leading point is to convert round your cologne especially when you get to know a girl better, this way she keeps guessing what your going to smell like and gets her for real interested.

Women Belts

Colognes that women like:

Davidoff - cool water

Giorgio Armani - Acqua Di Gio

Channel charm - Homme Sport (recommended cologne)

Ralph Lauren - Polo sport

Lacoste - Style in play

Belts: Belts are very leading fashion accessories and you need to make sure you get it right. It'd easy to remember hat goes with what, black shoes = black belt, brown shoes = brown belt. If you wearing a watch there is an additional one part you must match, a silver watch goes with a silver buckle and a gold watch goes with a gold buckle.

Shoes: Women love shoes, just face it and this also means that your shoes will have to be the best. Women check mens shoes straight away, so if they are dirty or falling apart it will not make a good impression. A few golden rules with shoes is:

They must always been clean and polished

If you are wearing a belt it needs to match your shoes

They must not be cheap, rubbish shoes from a supermarket.

If you are wearing a more casual outfit and are wearing trainers as shoes, Make Sure They Are Clean, dirty, scrappy trainers are a big turn-off for women. When selecting trainers to wear it is most advisable to buy Lacoste trainers as they do not for real make bad trainers, even though they are more expensive it does not matter just see it as paying for your success with women.

enhance Your Appearance To Attract Women


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