Leather Belts

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Belts made of leather are still in vogue even with the coming of belts made of newer fabrics and other materials like plastic, jute and reptile skins. However, it is very foremost to take very good care of leather belts, as they are more prone to deterioration than any other materials used to make belts.

Since leather is animal skin, it consists of fibers that are liable to break if not lubricated regularly. If the fibers become dry then they tend to break or crack that would be illustrated on the belt. Hence, leather belts need to be lightly coated with leather dressing at least half annual to utter their durability and appearance.

Women Belts

Leather belts are susceptible to oxidation if not properly taken care of. Oxidation would ensue in the cracking or breaking of the belt covering due to dryness. Quarterly leather dressing would be able to put a stop to this problem. Also, leather belts are prone to oxidation if stored and not ordinarily lubricated with the dressing.

Ultraviolet rays in sunlight, ozone, and other pollutants in the atmosphere can also cause leather to deteriorate faster. They all cause adverse chemical reactions in leather causing the cracks and decay of the skin. Even rehabilitation using harsh chemical compounds or high temperatures can cause the leather to damage faster. Even though leather spoils when stored without allowable treatment, it is also foremost to use the leather belts away from high temperatures or direct heat.

Prior to rehabilitation and lubrication dry leather must not be bent or stretched as this might cause the fibers to crack or break. A lubricant would be able to solve this problem, as it does not allow the fibers to chafe against one another. Dust particles and external abrasion would additional aggravate this problem, whether internally or externally. Hence, it is very foremost to ensure that the leather does not become very dry or have a flaky appearance. The rehabilitation would ensure that adequate lubricant is used to relive the dryness within the fibers.

Available in the market are some exquisite leather dressings that can be used to make the leather belts all the time look new and healthy. These lubricants would be petroleum based and ordinarily take good care of the belt for about 5~6 months. Oxidation and other abrasions would be controlled by this coating or dressing and would ensure that the leather belt is in good health even for a whole of years. Most of these leather dressings are chemical-free and are not very harsh on the leather causing additional deterioration of the material. Also, they contribute adequate lubrication to make the leather durable and polished.

Leather belts are expensive; however they can be used without any question for a whole of years as long as they are kept in condition. They are classy to look at and ordinarily make an impression when worn with formal or casual clothes. It would be good institution to even apply a layer of dressing to new leather belts, as this would ensure longer life and durability.

Leather Belts


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